Container Types

Building Blocks

Tutorials based around building a project that can be continued locally after the web tutorial is complete.

Use Cases

Building Blocks are super useful as a starting point for hackathons or projects to be worked on without creative limitations.

For instance, a Building Block could start all students off with an ERC20 project where the Building Block will teach them how to write ERC20 tokens and connect them to a JavaScript application. Objectively, the Building Block can judge whether or not the student has mastered the concepts by assessing the code through a series of test cases.

Once the student has passed all their test cases, they can download their code into a fully working project using Project Skeletons.


Self-Contained tutorials that walk someone through an important concept through a series of guided code challenges, videos and walkthroughs.

Use Cases

Lessons are particularly suitable for tutorials that are more theoretical or academic in nature. They don’t necessarily revolve around a project like a Building Block. Instead, they focus on writing code and teaching concepts that may not come up in the process of creating an application.

For instance, a lesson could teach “How to write a Blockchain”. Typically, most students won’t need to write their own blockchain, and the resulting code may not be the most secure code in the world. However, the conceptual knowledge will come in handy.


Code Tests designed to extend upon knowledge that is taught in lessons and building blocks. Unlike lessons, necessary information to complete it may need to be looked up.

Use Cases

Challenges are often useful at the end of a Lesson or a Building Block to take knowledge learn and apply it in a more difficult environment. Hopefully, users do not often get stuck within a lesson or a building block. However, for a challenge a certain amount of “healthy frustration” may be helpful for learning.

Challenges can also be used in Competitions, which are not currently available through the Builder but will likely be added in the near future.