Builder Structure

Hey there! If you’re looking to help contribute to the builder the project is divided into three main folders: client, server and docs.


The Builder Client is the main interface building content repositories. The UI is meant predominantly as an extension of an IDE for ChainShot content. As there are some intricacies involved with building the content, it is preferable to use this UI rather than edit the content repository directly.

Currently the client allows for the creation and modification of all the main model types (with the exception of a few special stage types). As more stage types and features are added to the ChainShot system, the Builder client will continue to add more functionality for recording videos, running competitions and holding livestreams.

Install Client Dependencies

To install dependencies for the Builder Client you can navigate to the /client folder and run npm install.

Start Client

To run the Builder Client you can navigate to the /client folder and run npm start.

Tech Stack

The client’s main tech stack includes react, scss, and GraphQL.

Initially it was created using the create-react-app tool and then ejected for further configuration of it’s webpack settings.

Client Configuration

Builder Client uses the dotenv node module which makes it easier to create override settings for your own environment without committing them.

To create your own environmental variables simply create a .env file in the client/ directory. You can then override settings with the format:



You’ll notice the REACT_APP_* prefix on these settings. This is used by create-react-app to store environmental variables. Builder client was generated and ejected from the create-react-app tool.

Some of the override-able settings include:

Field Description
REACT_APP_API_URL The API URL for the builder server


The client will fallback to the window.location.port unless given an explicit API URL. This is done so that the client can bind to dynamic ports from the CLI after it’s been packaged up in a release build.


The Builder Server acts as the intermediary layer between the client and the file system. It interprets many of the clients requests and translates them to ensure that the content is written and read in the expected fashion from the file system.

It uses websockets to ensure that updates are broadcasted to all listening clients, so that multiple tabs of the client UI do not get out of sync.

The builder is expected to be run on a single machine, locally, for a single user. As such, it’s not safe for concurrency. Sending multiple updates at once may result in some unexpected overrides.

Install Server Dependencies

To install dependencies for the Builder Server you can navigate to the /server folder and run npm install.

Start Server

To run the Builder Server you can navigate to the /server folder and run npm start.

Tech Stack

The client’s main tech stack includes node, express, and GraphQL.

Server Configuration

Builder Server uses the dotenv node module which makes it easier to create override settings for your own environment without committing them.

To create your own environmental variables simply create a .env file in the server/ directory. You can then override settings with the format:


Some of the override-able settings include:

Field Description
PORT The port that builder runs on
CONTENT_REPO_NAME The name of the content repo that builder looks for or creates


The Builder Docs are built using Sphinx and are hosted on Read The Docs. Since the docs are stored in rst files the intention is that anyone can come and make updates as necessary.

For installation instructions, see Sphinx Docs <`>`_. To build the docs locally simply run the make command and open the index.html file within the generated _build folder.